Here at AV Clothing Collections we want your unwanted clothing, accessories and shoes to recycle for somebody else to use. Attach one of our leaflets to a plastic bag and leave the bag/s on your doorstep. A member of our team will come and collect. Collected items will then be resold in bulk to second hand shops across Europe.
AV Clothing Collections is a commercial company that runs to make a profit. However, we strongly believe that our business helps to stop tons of unwanted clothing ending up in landfill each year. Recycling is very important for our fragile environment we all depend upon. So giving away your unused clothes, shoes and accessories is a brilliant way to reduce waste and protect the environment.
Furthermore, WE PROMISE that 10% of our annual profits will be donated to the NHS. We are sure that you will agree that the NHS worked incredibly hard during the Covid-19 crises. Therefore we would like to give a little back. Check out the 'OUR PROMISE' page on this website to see how much we've donated this year.